Seawater Life Support Project Shortlisted for Two Prestigious IET Awards

Installation of Seawater Life Support Research Aquarium pipeline

The collaborative Seawater Life Support Project has been shortlisted for two prestigious awards by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). These accolades are in recognition of contributions to engineering excellence and sustainability, as well as a commitment to collaborative innovation within the sector.

The nominated project was undertaken for Marine Biological Association (MBA) and involved the installation of a new 27-metre consistent seawater intake line, designed to enhance the capabilities of marine research while promoting biodiversity and sustainability. Using advanced eco-friendly materials and innovative design methodologies, providing a solution that not only meets the increasing needs of the MBA’s Research Aquarium but also supports marine conservation efforts.

The project overseen by Structural Evolution was realised through strong teamwork and collaboration between marine scientists, engineers, and local partner companies, including ARC Marine, ScaffFloat, Seawide Services, WH Scott & Son Engineers, and MDL Marinas. Together, the collaborators ensured that the new seawater intake line was built with sustainability at the forefront, incorporating energy-efficient technologies and eco-friendly materials such as ARC Marine’s Marine Matts – made from a carbon-neutral concrete alternative, designed to support marine biodiversity.

The IET, a global leader in engineering, is committed to solving the challenges that matter and inspiring excellence and innovation within the industry. By recognising our efforts, the IET further validates our dedication to creating lasting, impactful solutions that address both environmental and social challenges.

Casper Kruger, Structural Evolution MD said:

“We are very excited to be shortlisted for these highly regarded IET Excellence and Innovation Awards, in the engineering in society, team effort and sustainability categories. These awards celebrate groundbreaking innovations, collaborations, and best practices in engineering, science, and technology—values that align closely with our mission at Structural Evolution.”

The MBA Research Aquarium provides specialised facilities for both MBA researchers, collaborators and external organisations to carry out critical marine biology research.

Professor Willie Wilson, Chief Executive of the Marine Biological Association said:

“We are delighted to hear that the Seawater Life Support has been shortlisted for this prestigious award. Here at the Marine Biological Association, we strive to find solutions that not only benefit our research efforts, but also have a positive impact on the environment.
This nomination serves as a testament to the hard work, expertise and innovation of our project partners; and underscores our joint vision to protect and preserve our marine ecosystems.”

Find out more about the shortlisting: