Dr Jennifer Ashworth FMBA – Membership and Engagement Committee

Jennifer Ashworth is the Marine Biological Association Governor representing the Fishmongers’ Company. Since being invited to join the Fishmongers Company, Jennifer has represented the Company on their Fish and Fisheries Committee as well as the MBA Council. Jen is employed by Defra and leads work on Highly Protected Marine Area policy. Previously Jen worked on fisheries science and evidence.at Defra and before that she worked for Natural England for 14 years. Here, she oversaw work on Marine Protected Area management including setting objectives for MPAs and providing conservation advice and led work on identifying the initial tranche of Marine Conservation Zones, research and MPA monitoring. Jen joined Natural England in 2005 after completing her PhD and has undertaken research in Egypt, the Seychelles, Ireland, Scotland and Cyprus. Jen lives in Hampshire, not as close to the sea as she’d like, and has two young children who love Octonauts and sharks (as well as dinosaurs).