Dr Mark Dickey-Collas Mem.MBA

Mark Dickey-Collas is the Chair of the ICES advisory committee. He has 25 years’ experience in providing fisheries and marine science advice having previously worked as a national fisheries science expert in Northern Ireland and the Netherlands. Mark liaises with regional and international organisations across the north Atlantic and Arctic on issues such as fisheries science, ecosystem assessment, ocean health, biodiversity, data provision, Good Environmental Status (MSFD), vulnerable species and impacts of fishing. His scientific expertise is in ichthyoplankton, population dynamics, ecosystem modelling, ecosystem approach and the policy/science interface. He regularly reviews national and international research programmes and projects, and is well versed in the marine research infrastructure in Europe and North America.
Mark has a thorough knowledge of the scientific infrastructure and governance frameworks of Europe and North America regularly working across EU framework programmes, national programmes and the Nordic Council of Ministers. He enjoys the challenges created when building and converting scientific knowledge into the evidence to guide policy development and has a proven track record of successfully working with stakeholders including government departments, industry representatives, skippers, NGOs and intergovernmental organisations from across Europe, North America, the North Atlantic and the Arctic. Mark is a former member of the IMBeR Science Steering Committee.