Five years of innovation supported by the Marine Business Technology Centre

Since 2018, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) provided £2.5M to the Marine Business Technology Centre (MBTC) in Devon. This has accelerated the development of marine innovation. It was originally introduced to provide support for businesses in Devon and Plymouth to develop and test new marine technology and thereby support long-term innovation and growth in … Read more

The King’s first birthday list recognises extraordinary individuals working in marine science.

We are delighted to report recent awards for both our MBA Trustees and Fellow for their deserved recognition for their dedication to marine science. MBA Trustee, Professor Mark Bailey OBE for services to microbial ecology and environmental leadership. After graduating with a degree in microbiology and a PhD in insect virology, Mark spent four years … Read more

Pete Rendle – 47 years of service

Appointed to the MBA on 18th October 1976 as Deck Hand/Engineer on our past Research Vessels Sepia (a previous version of our current RV Sepia) and RV Squilla. Pete has been dedicated to the Marine Biological Association for over 47 years. Prior to that, Pete started as a fitter with the Royal Navy.  He studied Marine … Read more

Obituary: Dr Eve Southward

It is with deep sorrow that the Marine Biological Association announces the sad passing of Dr Eve Southward, Lankester Research Fellow at the MBA, who died peacefully on the morning of 2nd January 2023 after suffering a stroke. She was 92. Eve was an expert on marine worms, echinoderms and hydrothermal vent fauna as well … Read more

Annual Science Talk and Annual General Meeting – November 22nd

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is how you, as a member, get to have your say in the running of The Marine Biological Association. You have the right to vote for those responsible for overseeing the delivery of our core aims and objectives as outlined in our Royal Charter. This years meeting will be taking place on the … Read more