140 Years: How technology is advancing marine science

From underwater videography to aerial drones, technological advancements in ocean observation have significantly enhanced our understanding of marine ecosystems and the impact of human activities on the marine environment. Scientists from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) are now able to collect data in real-time and monitor marine life in ways that were previously unimaginable. Cutting-edge … Read more

Plymouth Graduate recognised for outstanding academic achievement with MBA Prize

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is pleased to announce the recipient of this year’s prestigious MBA prize. The prize is awarded annually to recognise outstanding contributions to the field of marine biology and recognises the significant impact that individuals can have in advancing our knowledge of marine ecosystems and their conservation. Leila Scheltema, who has … Read more

Empowering Student Members with new bursaries

Two Marine Biological Association (MBA) Members were awarded prestigious bursaries to attend the European Coral Reef Symposium (ECRS). PhD student Judith Camps-Castella who studies Marine Biodiversity at the University of Barcelona and Marine Science Masters student Ana Ferreira Coelho from the University of Plymouth had the opportunity to network and enhance their marine skillsets at … Read more

Measuring deoxygenation effects on marine predators

Most living organisms need oxygen to survive, grow and reproduce, and the same is true for ocean predators such as sharks. Global climate-driven ocean warming has decreased the levels of oxygen in the ocean, leading to expansions of ‘dead’ or hypoxic zones. These zones can affect the movements, behaviour, and distributions of marine animals, but … Read more

New report highlights changes in the marine life of South West England

From a record number of turtles, increased reporting of seal mortalities; to high percentages of sewage overflow spills, 2023 was an eventful year for sea life observations in the South West of England. The South-West Marine Ecosystems (The State of South-West Seas) Report for 2023 published by the Marine Biological Association (MBA), reflects the work … Read more

Meet our new Senior Research Fellow: Dr Bryce Stewart

Three Research Fellows have been appointed to lead groundbreaking research at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The new Fellows bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the MBA and will be instrumental in leading research initiatives to address the most pressing challenges facing our ocean. Dr Bryce Stewart Searching for solutions that balance the … Read more

New programme is launched in the fight against climate change

Four leading UK marine research institutions are joining forces to explore the ocean’s role in mitigating climate change. The Marine Biological Association (MBA), National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) are collaborating in the marine science research programme. The Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science (AtlantiS) … Read more

Meet our new Research Fellow: Dr Lilian Lieber

Three Research Fellows have been appointed to lead ground-breaking research at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The new Fellows bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the MBA and will be instrumental in leading research initiatives to address the most pressing challenges facing our ocean. Dr Lilian Lieber Biophysics of a Changing Ocean: From … Read more

Meet our new Senior Research Fellow: Dr Angela Stevenson

Three Research Fellows have been appointed to lead ground-breaking research at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The new Fellows bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the MBA and will be instrumental in leading research initiatives to address the most pressing challenges facing our ocean. Dr Angela Stevenson Exploring biodiversity in deep (subtidal to … Read more