Research collaborators from Portugal visit the MBA to analyse shark tagging data

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) welcomed scientists from Universidade do Porto in Portugal to meet with the Sims Lab team and discuss the results of a recent shark tagging expedition. Dr Nuno Queiroz, Head of Movement Ecology Group at CIBIO (Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos) and Tiago Cidade, PhD Student, CIBIO, visited … Read more

Unveiling the secrets of deep-sea diving predators

The deep ocean provides a wide range of valuable ecosystem services to the planet; but it remains largely unexplored due to its size and inaccessibility. Marine biologists have long known that many marine predators dive vertically into the deep ocean, but the reasons behind this behaviour were largely a mystery. Many predator species have been … Read more

International researcher explores phytoplankton signalling mechanisms at the MBA

Loay Jabre, a postdoctoral investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, USA visited the Marine Biological Association (MBA) to learn more about signalling mechanisms in marine phytoplankton. Loay, who recently finished his PhD at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, studies phytoplankton physiology and ecology, and how phytoplankton growth interacts with biogeochemical processes. … Read more

DTO Bioflow Project launches its first Open Call to foster marine biodiversity data sharing

The DTO Bioflow project has issued an Open Call for marine biodiversity data holders to provide sustained and long-term biodiversity data for the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EU DTO). The DTO Bioflow project has launched an Open Call for marine biodiversity data holders as part of its exciting development. This call is strategically … Read more

The Marine Biologist Magazine celebrates its 10-year anniversary

Award-nominated magazine, The Marine Biologist has reached a ten-year milestone. For a decade, the quarterly magazine produced by the Marine Biological Association has covered the latest news in marine biology research, policy, and education. The magazine, exclusive to MBA members, has published 376 original feature articles in 28 editions, has been viewed over 71,000 times … Read more

New discoveries about marine symbiosis in Lichina pygmaea

Marine fungi researchers at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) have used molecular techniques to reveal exciting discoveries about marine symbiosis in the lichen Lichina pygmaea. Lichens are a complex life form that is a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms, a fungus and an alga. Historically considered a two-way relationship, some lichen symbioses have been … Read more

From tracking tiger sharks to mapping coral reefs: MBA placement student starts exciting journey as a marine biologist

Today we are celebrating Marine Biology MRes graduate Max Kimble! During his placement at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) Max worked in the Sims lab, creating a species distribution model for the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the North Atlantic. Max looked at over 121 shark movement tracks, combined with satellite data, to reveal the … Read more

Volunteers and scientists reach six million marine record milestone

Over six million occurrence points of marine species and habitats are now freely available online thanks to the dedication and hard work of citizen scientists, researchers, and data experts from the Marine Biological Association (MBA). Occurrence records show where different species occur around the UK waters and are important for managing and conserving the UK’s … Read more