Celebrating trailblazing women in marine science on International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Since its founding in 1884, the Marine Biological Association has been home to many pioneering female scientists who have made groundbreaking contributions to the scientific community. The MBA takes great pride in its diverse team of female scientists, whose contributions continue to shape the future of marine research. “I am thrilled to follow in the … Read more

Building a library of life: 1000 milestone in sequencing DNA of marine life in the UK and Ireland

From the historical harbours and stunning coastlines of Scotland; to the dramatic cliffs and coves of Cornwall, researchers have traversed the length and breadth of the UK to collect DNA from marine life. Their goal is clear – to provide the tools for better understanding marine species around the UK and Ireland and create a … Read more

University student shares placement experience at the Marine Biological Association

Mariko is an undergraduate marine biology student at the University of Plymouth and is passionate about anything to do with the ocean and marine life. Mariko, who completed a seven-month placement at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) as an Ecology Assistant in the Research Aquarium shares her experiences working in this unique research environment. What … Read more

The MBA at the Royal Society

Written by Kes Scott-Somme The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition is arguably the biggest interactive science event in the UK. Open for free to the public, it lets cutting edge science projects communicate directly with interested individuals. MBA staff Joanna Harley, Patrick Adkins and Kes Scott-Somme went along to represent the project they work on; … Read more

Mount Batten Bioblitz – The Results Are In

Written by Joanna Harley On a sunny day in June, 37 naturalists and 27 school students joined forces with the Darwin Tree of Life Project (DToL) for the Marine Biological Association’s annual Bioblitz at Mount Batten Bay. The Bioblitz ran simultaneously between Mount Batten Bay, Plymouth and Little Sparta, Scotland, and the day was spent … Read more

Darwin Tree of Life project at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition

A landmark project to sequence the genomes of all 70,000 species of eukaryotic organisms in Britain and Ireland will be on show this summer at one of the largest free science festivals in the UK. The Darwin Tree of Life project, a collaboration between eight leading research organisations and funded by Wellcome, is a collaboration between experts … Read more