Empowering Student Members with new bursaries

Two Marine Biological Association (MBA) Members were awarded prestigious bursaries to attend the European Coral Reef Symposium (ECRS). PhD student Judith Camps-Castella who studies Marine Biodiversity at the University of Barcelona and Marine Science Masters student Ana Ferreira Coelho from the University of Plymouth had the opportunity to network and enhance their marine skillsets at … Read more

New MBA Fellows Announced

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is delighted to announce the appointment of two new Fellows. MBA Fellows are senior practitioners in marine biology who have contributed to the discipline at the highest level. The status of Fellow of the MBA is awarded in recognition of distinguished and long-term contributions to marine biology at the highest … Read more

Supporting future marine biologists: MBA Student Bursary Programme Winners announced

For the past two decades, the MBA has provided bursaries to hundreds of MBA Student Members, giving them the opportunity to attend international and prestigious events and conferences in the field of marine biology. After a rigorous selection process, we are proud to announce the following recipients of the bursary: Anneliese Hodge Anneliese Hodge, a … Read more

Life in plastic not fantastic for mangroves: Masters student presents at conference with support from MBA Student Bursary

A Masters student was given the incredible opportunity to attend and present at a prestigious conference, thanks to the MBA Student Bursary. MBA Student Member Marie Touchon, a Research Masters student at Bangor University attended the Cambridge Student Conference on Conservation Science 2024. For her Masters, Marie is analysing the social drivers of mangrove plastic … Read more

Inspiring success: MBA Student Member attends international conference thanks to Bursary

MBA Student Member Pablo Alfonso Fuenzalida Miralles was awarded a bursary from the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The bursary enabled Pablo to present his research and attend the 11th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference and Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology in Auckland, New Zealand. He said: “For me, it was extraordinary. The conference … Read more

Marine Biological Association Announces Winner of MBA Prize

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is pleased to announce the recipient of this year’s prestigious MBA prize. MBA MRes student Constance Little has been awarded Outstanding Performance on a Marine Biology Programme at Plymouth University by the MBA and University of Plymouth. Constance said: “This prize meant so much to me. I was apprehensive starting … Read more

The Marine Biologist Magazine celebrates its 10-year anniversary

Award-nominated magazine, The Marine Biologist has reached a ten-year milestone. For a decade, the quarterly magazine produced by the Marine Biological Association has covered the latest news in marine biology research, policy, and education. The magazine, exclusive to MBA members, has published 376 original feature articles in 28 editions, has been viewed over 71,000 times … Read more

New MBA Fellows announced

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) is delighted to announce the appointment of two new Fellows. MBA Fellows are senior practitioners in marine biology who have contributed to the discipline at the highest level. The status of Fellow of the MBA is awarded in recognition of distinguished and long-term contributions to marine biology at the highest … Read more