How can we forecast climate tipping points? By capturing the pulse of our ocean.

Backed by a £3.75M award from the Advanced Research + Invention Agency (ARIA), the UK Government’s new high-risk, high-reward funding agency, the CANARY project, led by researchers at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and the University of Plymouth (UoP), will revolutionise how we forecast climate tipping points. CANARY’s transformative approach focuses on plankton as the … Read more

Ambitious study to explore effects of offshore wind farms on ocean life

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) will play a key role in an ambitious new project exploring the consequences of floating offshore wind farms (FLOW) on life throughout the marine food chain. The FRONTLINE project will employ state-of-the-art technologies – including autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), satellite remote sensing, digital video aerial surveys and seabird and fisheries … Read more

Study highlights complex ocean conditions facing world’s most powerful tidal turbine

Scientists combined innovative drone technology and boat-based surveys to pave the way for the efficient and sustainable development of tidal energy. The number of tidal power and other offshore renewable energy installations is set to grow significantly around the UK coastline over the coming decades. However, launching state-of-the-art devices into often turbulent ocean flows has … Read more

140 Years: How technology is advancing marine science

From underwater videography to aerial drones, technological advancements in ocean observation have significantly enhanced our understanding of marine ecosystems and the impact of human activities on the marine environment. Scientists from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) are now able to collect data in real-time and monitor marine life in ways that were previously unimaginable. Cutting-edge … Read more

Meet our new Research Fellow: Dr Lilian Lieber

Three Research Fellows have been appointed to lead ground-breaking research at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). The new Fellows bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the MBA and will be instrumental in leading research initiatives to address the most pressing challenges facing our ocean. Dr Lilian Lieber Biophysics of a Changing Ocean: From … Read more

Unlocking the Secrets of Whale Shark Feeding Habits at Ningaloo Reef

A team of marine scientists from Australia and the UK embarked on a multi-disciplinary mission to decipher the mysteries of whale shark movement in relation to prey distribution at Ningaloo Reef. Ningaloo Reef, located in Western Australia, is a renowned coastal ‘hotspot’ for the world’s largest shark, the filter-feeding whale shark. Every year, these magnificent … Read more