Could extreme ocean environments hold the key to locating mysterious shark birthing grounds?

New research from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) aims to shed light on one of the greatest mysteries of the natural world – where do sharks go to give birth? Sharks have inhabited the world’s ocean for over 400 million years, surviving mass extinctions and shaping marine ecosystems. However, little is known about their reproductive … Read more

New funding will empower the next generation of marine biology researchers

Major funding has been allocated to support the next generation of biology and environmental researchers. The investment of more than £500 million from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will support doctoral students to develop their skills and experience across biological sciences, engineering and physical sciences and natural and environmental sciences. The Marine Biological Association (MBA) … Read more

Whale shark shipping collisions may increase as the ocean warms

Global warming could increase the threat posed to whale sharks from large ships, according to a new study published in Nature Climate Change. Researchers from the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and University of Southampton predict that increased ocean temperatures will see this already endangered species driven into new habitats crossed by busy shipping lanes. The … Read more

Urgent need to understand how reduced oxygen levels can harm ocean predators

Oxygen is essential to the survival of the majority of marine organisms. Since the mid-20th century, scientists have noticed a reduction in oxygen levels in the ocean, and these declines are forecast to continue in the coming decades. With the levels of dissolved oxygen in open and coastal waters decreasing, there is currently little understanding … Read more

Measuring deoxygenation effects on marine predators

Most living organisms need oxygen to survive, grow and reproduce, and the same is true for ocean predators such as sharks. Global climate-driven ocean warming has decreased the levels of oxygen in the ocean, leading to expansions of ‘dead’ or hypoxic zones. These zones can affect the movements, behaviour, and distributions of marine animals, but … Read more

Scientists assess global maritime traffic during COVID-19

New research sheds light on previously unreported complexity in maritime traffic during the first year of COVID-19. The study, led by researchers at the Marine Biological Association and the COVID-19 Bio-Logging Initiative, assessed changes to global shipping and fishing activity, revealing in unprecedented detail how the rapid implementation of restrictions and lockdowns affected human mobility … Read more

Protecting marine wildlife: New EU project aims to reduce bycatch in fishing

Every year, around 70,000 turtles and 200,000 seabirds die as a result of being caught as bycatch in EU fishing fleets.  Bycatch is when other marine species are unintentionally trapped by commercial fishing gear. This can account for up to 40% of total fishing catches, globally reaching as much as 38 million tonnes discarded per … Read more

Research collaborators from Portugal visit the MBA to analyse shark tagging data

The Marine Biological Association (MBA) welcomed scientists from Universidade do Porto in Portugal to meet with the Sims Lab team and discuss the results of a recent shark tagging expedition. Dr Nuno Queiroz, Head of Movement Ecology Group at CIBIO (Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos) and Tiago Cidade, PhD Student, CIBIO, visited … Read more

Unveiling the secrets of deep-sea diving predators

The deep ocean provides a wide range of valuable ecosystem services to the planet; but it remains largely unexplored due to its size and inaccessibility. Marine biologists have long known that many marine predators dive vertically into the deep ocean, but the reasons behind this behaviour were largely a mystery. Many predator species have been … Read more

From tracking tiger sharks to mapping coral reefs: MBA placement student starts exciting journey as a marine biologist

Today we are celebrating Marine Biology MRes graduate Max Kimble! During his placement at the Marine Biological Association (MBA) Max worked in the Sims lab, creating a species distribution model for the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) in the North Atlantic. Max looked at over 121 shark movement tracks, combined with satellite data, to reveal the … Read more