We are excited to announce that a proud Member of the Marine Biological Association (MBA) community has emerged victorious in this year’s Christmas card competition.

Throughout 2024, MBA Members have submitted their best Ocean-inspired photography, capturing scenes of marine wildlife, seascapes, and more for our 2024 “Ocean is Life” Photography Competition.
Images poured into our online MyMBA community, each telling a unique story about the importance of safeguarding our Ocean for future generations as well as highlighting Members journeys and collaboration.
After receiving submissions from many talented Members across the world, the judges had the difficult task of selecting just one winner.
MBA Student Member Elizabeth Beston was chosen as the Christmas Competition winner.
The winning photograph, a cross section of a Nemertesia antennina (sea beard) stood out for its beauty and unique perspective, showcasing the incredible talent of the photographer.
The image came from one of Elizabeth’s beach walks back in the Autumn of 2022.
She said: “I was fascinated by the microscopic structures of hydroids, and how they’re used to help identify species. When I found a washed-up and dead colony of N. antennina I took it home, dissected it, and explored it under the microscope, discovering this beautiful star-shaped cross-section.”
Elizabeth is passionate about science communication and plankton. She runs a CIC called The Plankton Project and has been collecting data on near-shore plankton of Norfolk for two years.
She explains why she is so passionate about plankton.
“I’m a latecomer, or rather a late-returner, to marine science. My childhood dreams of becoming a marine biologist were abandoned as a teenager, thinking science would be ‘too hard’. In my mid-forties, I moved to the North Norfolk Coast in the UK and rediscovered my love of the sea.
I started walking the beaches, picking up litter, and becoming curious about the washed-up creatures and seaweeds I encountered. This interest grew and I soon found myself surveying the rocky shores of Norfolk for Seasearch East and learning all I could about intertidal marine life.”
Elizabeth was first introduced to the MBA when she joined a plankton training course.
She said: “I signed up for the MBA ‘Introduction to Plankton’ course in Plymouth and from that moment I was hooked.”
“How did I end up loving plankton? The MBA! I was already fascinated by micro-life and a natural step was to combine my microscopy experience with my marine biology interest.”
Whilst studying for a Biology degree at the Open University, Elizabeth was keen to return to her original career path in Marine Biology and becoming an MBA Member.
She said: “It made absolute sense to become a student member of the MBA – making connections, keeping up to date with news, exploring disciplines, and accessing library resources have all been so valuable!”
As winner of our Christmas Competition, Elizabeth’s image is featured on our official Christmas 2024 cards, which are available to purchase at Reception at the MBA’s base in Citadel Hill, Plymouth.
The response for 2024 surpassed expectations, reflecting Members’ dedication to capturing the wonders of the Ocean.
Members are voting now on the finalists for 2024. All the winning entries will be featured in a special showcase in The Marine Biologist magazine and will be announced online soon!
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Our MBA Community is an exclusive online space where marine students, professionals, and enthusiasts come together to shape the future of marine biology. Our community offers unique opportunities to learn, collaborate, and access world-leading research and expertise, inspiring action and innovation across the world of marine biology.
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