Professor Willie Wilson, FMBA

As a marine biologist with over 30 year’s research and management experience, I now have my dream job as MBA Chief Executive. My vision is to make the MBA a career destination that scientists and support staff alike aspire to work at. Through our membership, I am also passionate about encouraging marine biology enthusiasts to … Read more

Professor Michael Cunliffe, FMBA

I received a degree in environmental biology from the University of Liverpool, and a MSc and PhD in Microbiology from the University of Manchester. After a postdoc at the University of Warwick, I joined the Marine Biological Association (MBA) in 2010 as a MBA Research Fellow (Group Leader). In 2014, I started a joint appointment … Read more

Katrina Houghton

I joined The MBA in 2022 and enjoy working with such a variety of passionate people who are working in a range of ways to better understand and protect the ocean and support the marine biology community. I love that my role is so varied and pulls on both my practical and creative side. From … Read more

David Johns

Growing up in the South West UK, I have always been interested in marine life, and could usually be found when young, either rock pooling, fishing or foraging. I started work with the CPR Survey in 1997, initially as a plankton analyst, and built on my taxonomic knowledge to investigate changes in the plankton community … Read more

Sarah Wills

I qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2008, and since then have worked in accounting and financial roles across a variety of industries. I am an experienced finance leader, having held Finance Director level roles at educational and research establishments in both the UK and the USA prior to joining the MBA in 2024.

Dr John Bishop, Mem.MBA

I have been associated with the Marine Biological Association since 1995, first as a Research Fellow, then from 2000 to 2009 by maintaining a research group at Citadel Hill while teaching at the University of Plymouth, before continuing at the MBA from 2009 as an Associate Fellow. One strand of my research has involved culturing … Read more

Professor Colin Brownlee, FMBA, FLS

I am a Ray Lankester Fellow at the Marine Biological Association and Professor Emeritus in the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences at the University of Southampton. I am a former MBA Director and Senior Research Fellow. I study algal cells in order to understand fundamental aspects of cell biology, including transport across cell membranes, … Read more

Dr Katherine Helliwell

I am a molecular microbiologist interested in the fundamental biology of photosynthetic marine microbes, which critically underpin marine ecosystems. Following a degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol, I pursued a PhD and postdoc with professor Alison Smith in the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge. During this time my work dissected … Read more

Dr Nova Mieszkowska

My international research programme focuses on species and ecosystem-level responses to environmental change and multiple stressors in the marine environment, embedding small-scale, process-oriented experimental studies within larger scale macroecological investigations. This approach focuses on individual organisms via experimental physiological ecology and ecological genomics, integrating to the population level with long-term time-series data collection, analysis and … Read more

Dr Vengamanaidu Modepalli

I am a comparative and molecular evolutionary biologist, I explore non-bilaterian animals like sponges and cnidarians (corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish) to gain insights into fundamental evolutionary principles. After completing my PhD at Deakin University in Australia, I joined Professor Yehu Moran’s lab at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel to investigate the workings … Read more