I am the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Laboratory Manager, responsible for managing the analysts’ workloads, ensuring that the programme runs smoothly. I am also a member of the analysis team and have gained considerable taxonomic experience, analysing both CPR and non CPR plankton samples from the Arctic, North Sea, Irish Sea, North Atlantic, Southern Ocean and Pacific. Since 2020, I have taken on the role of Technical Secretary for the NE Atlantic Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control (NMBAQC) Scheme, developed to provide a source of external quality assurance for organisations and laboratories engaged in producing marine biological data. I have gained considerable experience of organising and hosting several international taxonomic workshops and was previously part of the silk production team, producing pairs of high quality silks for the CPR to capture plankton.
Claire Taylor, BSc (Hons)
CPR Survey Laboratory Manager, Plankton Analyst and NMBAQC Technical Secretary
