I am a PhD student funded by WWF, working with Prof. Pippa Moore (Newcastle University) and Dr. Dan Smale (MBA). The project aims to quantify the contribution of kelp farming to Blue Carbon ecosystem services. This will involve determining rates of particulate and dissolved organic carbon loss and quantifying kelp-derived carbon in sediments in and around kelp farms. A variety of techniques will be applied, including lead dating, stable isotope analysis and eDNA, as well as closely working together with kelp farms in the UK to develop protocols for cost-effectively monitoring carbon sequestration. Previously, I studied BSc Marine and Freshwater Biology at Aberystwyth University, completing my dissertation on the effect of ecologically realistic marine heatwaves on kelp and kelp associated species under the supervision of Prof. Pippa Moore. Following this, I graduated from the MRes Marine Biology programme at Plymouth University. Here, supervised by Dr. Antony Knights, I characterised dispersal of kelp species associated with the UK to better understand patterns connectivity using a particle-tracking model.
Maxine Canvin BSc, MRes.
PHD Student
