Cat Wilding, BSc, MRes

PhD Student

Cat Wilding on the rocky shore smiling

I’m a PhD student based at the MBA and Newcastle University. My research aims to develop kelp restoration techniques for the UK and is supervised by Dr Dam Smale and Dr Katie Smith (MBA), and Prof. Pip Moore (Newcastle). I will explore the feasibility of ‘green gravel’ methods for the UK, as a precautionary approach, using a combination of manipulative aquaria experiments, field surveys and laboratory components to optimise processes and inform best practice.

Prior to starting my PhD I worked for 7 years as an MBA Research Assistant focussing on seaweed farming, kelp ecology, community composition, and climate change impacts. I am also a scientific diver/supervisor and commercial skipper with >15 years experience from various marine conservation and engagement roles. I enjoy working at the intersection of fundamental ecology and applied research towards broader conservation goals.