Yousef Touhami

In my role as a cell and molecular Research Technician, I am working with teams researching marine fungi, phytoplankton and the evolution of early-branching animals. I am particularly experienced at using cell culture based approaches and molecular techniques to investigate biological questions. Furthermore, I am responsible for the MBA’s Marine Fungal Culture Collection. I have … Read more

Dr Harvey Tyler-Walters

I am responsible for the management of contracts and staff involved in MarLIN (Marine Life Information Network) since 1999. In particular, project manager on short and long-term contracts for Defra, Countryside Council for Wales, Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage, Crown Estates, and WWF-UK. MBA lead on tenders/contracts 2010-2017.I developed the MarLIN sensitivity assessment for biotopes … Read more

Matt Waller

I am a PhD student within the Sims lab at the Marine Biological Association, in conjunction with the University of Southampton, as part of the European Research Council funded project OCEAN DEOXYFISH. My research focuses on the impact declining oxygen in the world’s oceans will have on the biology and ecology of large oceanic shark … Read more

Dr Joanna Warwick-Dugdale

I am fascinated by how communities of the smallest marine organisms (i.e. prokaryotes; algae; viruses) function to drive systems at the largest scales (e.g. global nutrient cycling). Previously I have focused on the characterization of Open Ocean and Coastal viral communities, key players of global biogeochemistry who remain largely underexplored. To accomplish this, I developed … Read more

Tanya Whipps BSc (Hons), RVN

After graduating with BSc (Hons) in Marine Biology from Bangor University I worked in various aquaria roles before transitioning into veterinary medicine. I graduated as a veterinary nurse in 2009 before becoming a clinical coach and student nurse trainer in 2013. I worked in various clinical and non-clinical roles with veterinary science and communication before … Read more

Ben Whyte BSc

I am responsible for ensuring the effective operation and maintenance and improvement of our unique seawater life support systems, research aquarium and building facilities across the Estate. I have spent the last few years working in aquaculture, learning and gaining esperience in fairly niche and interesting areas of the industry. In my spare time I … Read more