Rob Camp, Mem.MBA

I am the instrumentation and data technician for the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey department of the Marine Biological Association, responsible for the deployment, recovery and maintenance of instruments fitted to the CPR. I am currently engaged with the iCPR project, enhancing the capabilities of the CPR by using a new set of procedures and … Read more

Neri Campbell

With almost 10 years’ experience working in public relations, journalism and marketing, I have a wealth of communication knowledge which I use to promote the world-leading research and science innovation from the Marine Biological Association.My key areas of expertise are: news stories, press releases and distribution, web editing, working with the media, digital design and … Read more

Maxine Canvin BSc, MRes.

I am a PhD student funded by WWF, working with Prof. Pippa Moore (Newcastle University) and Dr. Dan Smale (MBA). The project aims to quantify the contribution of kelp farming to Blue Carbon ecosystem services. This will involve determining rates of particulate and dissolved organic carbon loss and quantifying kelp-derived carbon in sediments in and … Read more

Ronan Conlon MSci

I am a Project Technical Officer with a keen interest in the movement ecology of marine species. I have worked in the tagging and tracking of animals both in the UK and abroad, through satellite remote sensing and acoustic telemetry. Marine science has afforded me the opportunity to work around the world, as an IAESTE … Read more

Dr Dave Conway, PhD, Mem.MBA

On leaving school in 1963 I worked as a technician in the plankton section of the marine fisheries laboratory in Aberdeen, completing an honours degree at Aberdeen University betwen 1972 and 1973, before moving to The Plymouth Marine Laboratory in 1977. In 1999 I transferred across to the MBA and was awarded a PhD in … Read more

Paul Dando

I have worked as a marine scientist for over 55 years, mainly at the Marine Biological Association but with a period of 13 years as Professor of Marine Biology at Bangor University. My research interests include: the environmental effects of hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps and submarine ground water seeps (including their roles in geochemical cycles … Read more