Stephanie Day MSci

I am a PhD researcher specialising in how organic nutrients sustain shelf sea productivity. My research aims to characterise dissolved organic nutrient pools and examine how these are used by coastal phytoplankton communities. To investigate my research aims, I will collect and analyse field samples using analytical chemistry techniques and microbiological experiments. These methods will … Read more

Caitlin Dye MSci

I am a NERC-funded (ARIES) PhD student at the University of Plymouth and Marine Biological Association. My project aims to disentangle the complex relationships between diatoms, their bacterial microbiota and parasitic marine fungi and is co-supervised by Professor Michael Cunliffe, Dr Katherine Helliwell and Dr Miriam Reverter. My work will combine laboratory and fieldwork components … Read more

Chloe Figueroa Ashforth MSci

I joined the MBA at the start of 2023 as the Senior Data Officer for the DASSH (The UK Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data) team, and am currently working as the Data Manager for DASSH. I hold an MSci (Hons) Biology degree, and developedd my data and technical skills through my previous role … Read more

Eleanor Gilbert

I am a PhD student at the University of Plymouth and the Marine Biological Association. I am funded by ARIES (NERC) and work with Dr Venky Modepalli. My project uses transcriptomics, bioinformatics and molecular techniques to look at the evolution of the apical organ and apical tuft in cnidarians. I work primarily on the starlet … Read more

Carol Giles, Mem.MBA

I am responsible for delivery of services at The National Marine Biological Library (NMBL), including Open Access, copyright and IPR, journal subscriptions, as well as management of the Plymouth Marine Science Electronic Archive (PlyMSEA) repository and the large amount of archive material held in the Library. After service in the Royal Navy I gained an … Read more

Rosalind Greenrod

As Site Services Assistant, my role is varied and involves a vast range of jobs across the MBA site. My duties include carrying out preparation and cleaning of the laboratories, reception cover, event and meeting room organisation, helping in the kitchen, and being of assistance where needed.

Lance Gregory, MarEngTech, Cert Ed, LCGI

I manage the Operations and Workshop team for the CPR Survey. I have responsibilities for the maintenance and global logistics of all CPR equipment. A key part of my role is developing the essential relationships with the merchant shipping community and the design and installation of towing equipment on volunteer merchant vessels enabling the CPR … Read more

Charlotte (Charlie) Gough BSc, MSc

After joining the MBA team as the Data manager for DASSH (UK Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data in May 2023, I now hold a role as Strategic Projects Manager overseeing the delivery of a range of internal, national and international projects and collaborations between our data experts researchers and citizen scientists. I have … Read more

Dr Ellen Harrison

Currently, my research focuses on how marine phytoplankton sense and respond to nutrient levels in their environment. I recently completed my PhD which investigated how algae-bacterial cocultures could be used to supply vitamin B12 to astronauts on long space missions. This was part of a wider collaboration, the MELiSSA project, or Micro-Ecological Life Support System … Read more

Sophie den Hartog MSc

My PhD research aims to elucidate the sensory systems guiding marine invertebrate larval settlement. Specifically, the apical organ which acts as a chemo- and mechano-sensory structure and is thought to play a crucial role in larval settlement and metamorphosis. Thereby also shaping benthic communities. I am particularly interested in Cnidarians (anemones, jellyfish & coral) and … Read more