Charlotte (Charlie) Gough BSc, MSc

After joining the MBA team as the Data manager for DASSH (UK Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data in May 2023, I now hold a role as Strategic Projects Manager overseeing the delivery of a range of internal, national and international projects and collaborations between our data experts researchers and citizen scientists. I have … Read more

Dr Ellen Harrison

Currently, my research focuses on how marine phytoplankton sense and respond to nutrient levels in their environment. I recently completed my PhD which investigated how algae-bacterial cocultures could be used to supply vitamin B12 to astronauts on long space missions. This was part of a wider collaboration, the MELiSSA project, or Micro-Ecological Life Support System … Read more

Sophie den Hartog MSc

My PhD research aims to elucidate the sensory systems guiding marine invertebrate larval settlement. Specifically, the apical organ which acts as a chemo- and mechano-sensory structure and is thought to play a crucial role in larval settlement and metamorphosis. Thereby also shaping benthic communities. I am particularly interested in Cnidarians (anemones, jellyfish & coral) and … Read more

Alix Harvey

My role is to manage the research and lab facilities in our ecology department including general lab support, training and inductions of ecology staff, and lab health & safety.  I run our research aquarium where I am responsible for animal welfare & husbandry and assist with the design and maintenance of experiments as well as … Read more

Imran Luqman Muhammad Hatta BSc, MSc

I specialise in evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo), focusing on early life stages of marine invertebrates. I combine techniques from the fields of molecular biology and bioinformatics to create new theories and approve/disprove existing assumptions regarding the evolutionary history and relationships of various animals. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from Universiti Malaysia … Read more

Professor Stephen J Hawkins, BSc, PhD, DSc, FRSB, FHEA, FLS, FMBA

My MBA links commenced in1979 with a NERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship on interactions between intertidal limpets hosted by Alan Southward (AJS). This followed my PhD at Port Erin (Liverpool University) on experimental rocky shore ecology. When a Lecturer at Manchester University (1980), I became a frequent visitor to the MBA collaborating with AJS on long-term change … Read more

Dr Pierre Hélaouët

I am a senior numercal ecologist with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) team, as well as a data scientist at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). My research is focused on developing and using ecological concepts, statistical analysis and associated data processing piplelines to explain spatio-temporal variability in planktonic communities. Specialised in marine ecosystems, I have … Read more