Alix Harvey

My role is to manage the research and lab facilities in our ecology department including general lab support, training and inductions of ecology staff, and lab health & safety.  I run our research aquarium where I am responsible for animal welfare & husbandry and assist with the design and maintenance of experiments as well as … Read more

Imran Luqman Muhammad Hatta BSc, MSc

I specialise in evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo), focusing on early life stages of marine invertebrates. I combine techniques from the fields of molecular biology and bioinformatics to create new theories and approve/disprove existing assumptions regarding the evolutionary history and relationships of various animals. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from Universiti Malaysia … Read more

Professor Stephen J Hawkins, BSc, PhD, DSc, FRSB, FHEA, FLS, FMBA

My MBA links commenced in1979 with a NERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship on interactions between intertidal limpets hosted by Alan Southward (AJS). This followed my PhD at Port Erin (Liverpool University) on experimental rocky shore ecology. When a Lecturer at Manchester University (1980), I became a frequent visitor to the MBA collaborating with AJS on long-term change … Read more

Dr Pierre Hélaouët

I am a senior numercal ecologist with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) team, as well as a data scientist at the Marine Biological Association (MBA). My research is focused on developing and using ecological concepts, statistical analysis and associated data processing piplelines to explain spatio-temporal variability in planktonic communities. Specialised in marine ecosystems, I have … Read more

Dr Keith Hiscock, MBE

From a young age, I have been fascinated by where marine things are and how they ‘work’. My PhD (1971-1974) on Water Movement and the Ecology of Sublittoral Rocky Areas reflected opportunities that scuba diving offered in marine research. When the Nature Conservancy Council ‘discovered’ marine environments, I was, with others, able to start surveying … Read more

Kristina Hixon BSc (Hons) MSc

After graduating with a BSc (Hons) in Marine and Freshwater Biology from Aberystwyth University, and an MSc in Oceanography from the University of Southampton, I spent several years working in administration. More recently I’ve had the great pleasure of engaging with the public through a number of informal education roles that took me all around … Read more