Dr Keith Hiscock, MBE

From a young age, I have been fascinated by where marine things are and how they ‘work’. My PhD (1971-1974) on Water Movement and the Ecology of Sublittoral Rocky Areas reflected opportunities that scuba diving offered in marine research. When the Nature Conservancy Council ‘discovered’ marine environments, I was, with others, able to start surveying … Read more

Kristina Hixon BSc (Hons) MSc

After graduating with a BSc (Hons) in Marine and Freshwater Biology from Aberystwyth University, and an MSc in Oceanography from the University of Southampton, I spent several years working in administration. More recently I’ve had the great pleasure of engaging with the public through a number of informal education roles that took me all around … Read more

Amy Jeffries BSc

I am a marine biologist currently completing my PhD with the Sims Lab at the Marine Biological Association in conjunction with the University of Southampton, as part of the European Research Council funded project OCEAN DEOXYFISH. My research explores the impacts of declining dissolved oxygen levels in our world’s oceans, and the effects this is … Read more

Usha Jha

Since joining the CPR Survey in 2009, I have developed my taxonomic knowledge in identifying phytoplankton and zooplankton from the North Atlantic and Pacific areas of the CPR Survey. I also analyse net-caught zooplankton samples for different contract work and do regular quality assurance checks for these samples. Additionally, I am a member of the … Read more

Dr Ian Joint, PhD, Mem.MBA

I am a microbiologist and my primary interest is to understand how microbes interact with each other in the ocean. A fundamental question is how do bacteria accumulate sufficient nutrients to enable growth when, in the oligotrophic ocean, nutrients are present at incredibly low concentrations? Over a period of a day, molecular diffusion could provide … Read more

Ellen Jones BSc MRes

I work in the Data Team to assist with the smooth delivery of DASSH (the UK Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data) by conducting digitisation, standardisation and quality assurance activities across a range of Marine Biodiversity data sets. Additionally i provide support in collating and reporting statistics, promotion via social media platforms, liaising with … Read more

Dr Matthew Keys

I am a Post-Doctoral Research Assistant within the Wheeler Group. My research interests are broadly focused on the effects of climate change on marine phytoplankton, including how multiple stressors interact to impact physiological performance at the species level, and community structure, photosynthesis and carbon budgets at the population level. I studied for my PhD at … Read more