Dr Keelan Lawlor

My research currently focuses on developing molecular tools to better understand and predict harmful algal blooms (HABs) as part of the ACTNOW project. I have previously worked investigating macroalgae-bacteria interactions and post-harvest degradation kinetics of macroalgal biomass. I am also interested in extraction kinetics of lipid biomolecules during scale-up, the development/modification of industrial extraction methods … Read more

Tayla Leathers BSc, MRes

I am a PhD Student at the Marine Biological Association and The University of Plymouth. My research involves the development of techniques to ‘futureproof’ kelp restoration and look into the impact this may have on UK marine biodiversity. My previous research as a masters student and Research Technician at the MBA focused on the thermal … Read more

Jennifer Leigh BSc (Hons) MSc

Since joining the CPR Survey in 2011, I have developed my taxonomic expertise in phyto- and zooplankton and am part of both the North Atlantic and North Pacific Analysis teams. During this time, I’ve worked on various aspects of the CPR Survey and have used this wealth of knowledge to deliver outreach events including training … Read more

Professor Linda Medlin

Prof. Linda K. Medlin has worked previously as Head of Research at Microbia Environnement, France, at the Observatoire Oceanologique of UPMC, France and at the AWI, Germany. She received Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in 1983 in marine botany. Her expertise is in marine phytoplankton and their evolution/phylogenetics. She has worked for over 20 years … Read more

Yasmin Meeda

I am a marine molecular microbiologist who studies the fundamental biology of microalgae called diatoms. Diatoms are important drivers of primary productivity within ocean systems and I work to understand how they sense and respond to their environment. I have received a degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Brighton, a Master of Research … Read more

Diego Morales-Torres BSc

I am a PhD student at the University of Southampton, currently working in Dan Smale’s research group. My research focuses on the diversity stability theory, specifically investigating how marine communities respond to disturbances such as Marine heatwaves (MHWs) and the role of community diversity driving these responses.Using existing biological and environmental data on rocky subtidal … Read more