I have worked as a marine scientist for over 55 years, mainly at the Marine Biological Association but with a period of 13 years as Professor of Marine Biology at Bangor University. My research interests include: the environmental effects of hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps and submarine ground water seeps (including their roles in geochemical cycles and benthic production); the behaviour, biochemistry and physiology of bivalves and frenulate pogonophores with methanotrophic and chemoautotrophic bacterial symbionts; the biochemical and population genetics of fish and barnacles and the distribution and home ranges of fish in estuaries (including their spawning and nursery grounds). My research areas have ranged from the Mediterranean to mid-Atlantic and the Arctic and from Panama to the Gulf of California and northwards to the Canadian coast in the NE Pacific, using research vessels from 9 different countries.